Necklift Surgeon in Syosset NYMany different types of plastic surgery can improve your appearance, but a neck lift is one that many elders use to help make themselves look younger. There are many other reasons why people would consider getting a neck lift. A neck lift is usually done alongside a facelift and is sometimes a part of the same surgical procedure. At Buglino Plastic Surgery, we want our patients to understand the process of neck lifts and how they benefit people looking for a younger look. If you are looking for a Necklift Surgeon in Syosset NY and want to learn more, continue reading below.

Neck Lift Surgery Preparation

  • Blood Thinner Medication – It is advised that before you go in for a neck lift surgery, you stop taking blood thinner medication several days before the operation.
  • Quit Smoking – Smoking can increase the possibility of having more saggy skin and slower recovery. Many surgeons recommend that patients quit smoking before they consider getting neck lift surgery.
  • Make Sure to Have A Ride Home Post Surgery- Neck lift surgery requires that you go under anesthesia. Anesthesia can still make you feel drowsy post-surgery, so you should never drive home after you have surgery where you need to go under. 

How Neck Lift Works

As people get older, the skin under their neck begins to sag and become loose. This leads to wrinkles, which many people do not like the look of. A Necklift Surgeon in Syosset NY uses neck lift surgeries to ensure patients look younger. Neck surgery works by removing excess skin and fat from around the jawline. This will then lead to a thinner or younger look around your face. 

Contact Our Necklift Surgeon In Syosset NY

For a younger look and to have fewer wrinkles, a neck lift is the surgery for you. At Buglino Plastic Surgery, it is important that all of our patients are aware of the process and take every suggestion we recommend when preparing for a neck lift. If you want to find a Necklift Surgeon in Syosset NY, contact us today!