Dr. Anthony Buglino, D.O. specializes in corrective surgery procedures including cosmetic surgery revisions from previous plastic surgery procedures, breast implant repairs, lacerations and scars. Dr. Buglino is an expert who handles special cases for patients in a one-to-one setting at his Woodbury Long Island offices. For immediate attention, please call 1-516-864-0700 during our regular office hours. If there is an emergency, please contact your local hospital or primary physician.

Breast Implant Repairs

Laceration Repair


Scar Correction


Patients who have had plastic surgery prior may want to revise their previous surgery to either maintain results or change aesthetics they weren’t happy with. Dr. Buglino performs revision surgeries for patients who want to redo a previous procedure because time has passed and they want to maintain the results of a previous surgery. Secondary surgeries can correct the results of a previous facelift, browlift, eyelift, nose job, breast surgery, and more. We strongly recommend seeing a qualified plastic and reconstructive surgeon like Dr. Buglino, who understands your goals when revisiting any type of cosmetic surgery.

Breast Implant Repair

For patients who have breast implants “bottoming out” of one or both breasts, breast implant repair is the solution. A patient may identify that the position of breast implants are too low in relation to the nipple. In other cases, patients may see a bubble in which the breast implant has shifted its position below the breast and crease (also known as a “double bubble”).

Laceration Repair

Dr. Buglino commonly performs skin laceration repairs for patients who have open wounds that need to be sutured. When suturing wounds, cleaning and preparation for closure reduces the risk of infection and bleeding. As a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Buglino applies the proper suturing techniques to minimize scarring and promote faster recovery for laceration repair patients. Urgent medical care may be needed for deep lacerations or open wounds in areas that are more difficult to heal.

Scar Corrections

Depending on skin type and your body’s healing abilities, scars can develop from injury or surgery in varying textures, shape, and size. For patients who wish to minimize the appearance of scars after a wound has healed, Dr. Buglino performs scar revision surgery at his office. Depending on the scar tissue that needs treatment, he will recommend the proper surgical procedures, laser skin resurfacing, and/or a combination of medispa treatments.

Pediatric Laceration Repair

We offer pediatric care laceration repair at our Long Island, New York office. For children and minors, Dr. Buglino administers the same standards of practice to ensure proper wound healing and minimize risk of infection. Walk-ins and emergencies are welcome for medical stitching and suturing.

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