As you grow older, your face inevitably begins to change. Skin loses elasticity, sagging downward. Wrinkles and fine lines slowly appear. Definition disappears and eyebrows begin to droop. It’s natural. Anti-aging creams and makeup are great for a quick fix, but for those looking to reverse signs of aging for the long term, facial surgery is the answer. Facial procedures can turn back the clock, tightening skin, adding volume and contour, and reducing wrinkles. 

There are so many different types of facial surgery: facelift, brow lift, eye lift, neck lift, and nose surgery. How do you know which one will provide the results you desire? Selecting the right facial surgery procedure depends on several factors, including the area of the face you want to address and the type of problems you’re looking to solve.


Upper Face

Eye Lift 

With age, unfortunately, comes drooping eyelids, folds, hollowing, and volume loss—all of which can be altered with eyelid surgery, also known as an eye lift. There are two types of eye lifts, each of which address different areas of the eyes. Upper eyelid surgery can fix pseudoptosis, or heavy eyelids that hang down into your eye, causing impaired fixion. Lower eyelid surgery reduces puffiness, excess fat, and hollowing around the eyes. Overall, eye lifts rejuvenate the eye area, creating a more alert appearance. 

Brow/Forehead Lift 

For some, the aging process includes sagging eyebrows that create a tired or angry expression. Wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear along the forehead. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, can fix this. The procedure can raise and reposition eyebrows, plus diminish forehead and frown lines. 



Midface Lift

Loss of volume in the cheeks is a side effect of aging. A midface lift can reduce sagging by raising the cheek fat pad, and evenly distributing volume. This facelift can also remove excess skin and tighten the underlying tissue, restoring a youthful appearance.

Nose Surgery

As you age, your nose typically stays the same. However, if you suffer from a deviated septum, this can become more pronounced with time. As nasal structures change, symptoms can become more severe. Nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty, can fix deviated septums. The procedure can also be performed on those who are interested in enhancing their appearance with a new nose. 


Lower Face

Lower Facelift

Your lower face consists of the chin and jawline area, both of which can change over the years. Jowling may appear and skin can sag, making you look worn down and exhausted. This can all be altered with a lower facelift, which creates definition along the jawline, plumps up skin, and reduces jowling. 

Neck Lift

The neck is also a sore spot for those who are growing older. Over time, neck skin begins to lose laxity, becoming loose and sagging. Excess fat builds beneath the chin. Wrinkles and fine lines form. A neck lift, also known as a lower rhytidectomy, tightens the loose neck bands, creating more definition in the chin area and a smoother profile. 


All Areas

Full Facelift

If you’re interested in reversing the aging process for all areas of the face, a full facelift is right for you. This surgery combines a brow lift, midface lift and lower facelift to provide an overall younger appearance. It’s typically performed for patients experiencing advanced signs of aging. 

If you’re interested in one of the aforementioned facial surgeries, Long Island plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Buglino can walk you through the steps of the procedure and help you decide if it’s right for you. For those who are still unsure about which is right for their needs, a consultation with Dr. Buglino can answer any questions and narrow down the perfect surgery.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Buglino today!

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