pediatric plastic surgeon in Woodbury NYIn popular culture, plastic surgery is generally associated with adults and their desire to improve their appearance, attempting to bring what they see in the mirror closer to what they want. However, plastic surgery can have many medical purposes, from repairing damage after an accident to improving breathing or vision. 

Another misconception is that plastic surgery is only performed on adults when in reality, it can have great benefits for children as well. There are a few plastic surgeries that are among the most common pediatric surgeries. Just like for many adults, pediatric plastic surgery is often needed to both improve the physical appearance of or to restore functionality to and improve the general quality of life for a child. 

Whether problems arose during the birthing process or from an injury, pediatric plastic can be exactly what your child needs. If you are looking for a pediatric plastic surgeon in Woodbury NY, contact us at Buglino Plastic Surgery for information on how we can help your child. 

Types of Plastic Surgeries

There are two different types of pediatric plastic surgeries performed, both with multiple possible uses. These types of plastic surgeries are reconstructive surgery and aesthetic surgery. 

Reconstructive surgery is a type of plastic surgery performed to repair parts of your body affected by defects caused by anything ranging from birth defects to ones obtained due to injury. 

Aesthetic surgery is a type of plastic surgery performed to improve or restore an aspect of one’s physical appearance of the face or body. The reasons for performing this type of surgery could also be due to birth defects or injury. 

It is often a combination of these two different types of plastic surgery that is performed when dealing with most cases. If you’re looking for a specialized pediatric plastic surgeon in Woodbury NY, contact us at Buglino Plastic Surgery for more information on pediatric plastic surgery. 

Different Pediatric Plastic Surgeries

  • Aesthetic plastic surgery- This is a basic form of plastic surgery performed for aesthetic rather than health reasons. It can involve a variety of procedures, such as rhinoplasty or body contouring. 
  • Skin Grafting- A surgical procedure typically employed following an accident involving burns or cuts. It is when healthy skin from one part of the body is removed and transplanted into the wounded skin. 
  • Microvascular Surgery- The surgical reattachment of amputated parts of the body. Involves surgical repair of blood vessels and nerves. 
  • Cleft Surgery- Performed for children born with a cleft palate or lip. This is performed for both aesthetic as well as quality of life reasons, as a cleft palate or lip can lead to difficulties with eating, speech, and jaw growth. 
  • Plastic Surgery Removals- This refers to general plastic surgery procedures performed to remove moles and tumors. 

Contact Us: Pediatric Plastic Surgeon in Woodbury NY

If you feel your child may require any of these pediatric plastic surgeries and are looking for a pediatric plastic surgeon in Woodbury NY, contact us at Buglino Plastic Surgery for information on these procedures and if they are right for your child.